Friday 27 September 2013

September is almost gone?

Okay who stole the middle weeks of September? I never noticed that they were missing until today.
My friend has finished walking the Camino in Spain for the second time! I am in awe of her and her friends as it is something I could not do. My body wouldn't let me. They walked in extreme heat, rain and wind all the while enjoying what they saw and who they met, stopping once in a while to change socks and bandage blistered feet. Well done
You can read of their adventures at the above blog.

That's all I have for today. It's raining and I don't feel very energetic.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kenny.....I didn't know you had a blog. I was checking mine today as I met a couple at the bar here in Arizona last night....they are planning on doing the Camino, so I gave them my blog address.......your blog is listed tight under mine do I clicked it and read a few of your old posts.....u don't post often.
