Friday 6 September 2013

One for my golfing friends

One for my golfing friends.

The First Tee

It's crisp and cool on this late Fall morn as we head onto the track.

There's Fred and me and Arthur, and a lefty known as Jack.

We wend our way onto the tee, we see someone was through,

We can tell by the tracks of two before, in the diamond crystal dew.

The lefty's shot was straight and true, the righty hit a slice.

We could see this in the tracks they left, on the early morning ice.

So we tossed a tee, it's me to lead, then Jack then Art then Fred.

I give the ball a mighty whack, my god it felt like lead!

You can see the ball as it skitters off, with a lovely rooster tail.

And comes to rest in a Lilac Bush, oh yeah, that's me, in jail.

The others hit the fairway, and we put our clubs away,

And wonder at the silence, as we head out on our way.

So get a tee-time with a friend, or maybe two or three.

Then you'll also have a tale to tell, as you start from the first tee

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