Saturday 28 September 2013

The oven adventure

Yesterday I was baking biscuits. I went to check them to see if they were done and, low and behold, the bottom burner in my over was glowing very bright. Luckily the biscuits were cooked so I turned off the stove, removed the biscuits and left the door open to cool things off. When it was cool I checked it out and the element was covered in melted metal and burned right through. Time to get the tools out. After I took it out I called around to find a new element. Found one for $40.00. It's a newer design so I had to modify the wiring and all is good. That is the end of the great oven episode.

Friday 27 September 2013

September is almost gone?

Okay who stole the middle weeks of September? I never noticed that they were missing until today.
My friend has finished walking the Camino in Spain for the second time! I am in awe of her and her friends as it is something I could not do. My body wouldn't let me. They walked in extreme heat, rain and wind all the while enjoying what they saw and who they met, stopping once in a while to change socks and bandage blistered feet. Well done
You can read of their adventures at the above blog.

That's all I have for today. It's raining and I don't feel very energetic.

Monday 23 September 2013

Autumn is definitely here!

The temperature is much lower. I almost, but not quite, turned on my furnace. I opted to put on a warm shirt as my ears and fingers aren't cold. Some of the leaves have started to change colour but not a lot. I'll post photos later.
Have a lovely day!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Not really boring

I've just had visitors for the past three days. We visited and got caught up. I took them around on a bit of touristing. We went to the Father Pandosy Mission Historic sight and did wine tasting at Quail's Gate and Gray Monk. Had BBQ Ribs one night, A late lunch the next day so Cheese and Tomato sandwiches for dinner and then Chicken and Vegetables in a pouch on the third day. One night I did an impromptu concert and had them singing along.  I guess my life is not really that boring. Yesterday I saw my best buddy, since 1964, and his girlfriend off on their trip and now I'm alone again but it's time to catch up on my things I've been putting off. The weather had co-operated while they were here but it rained today. The good thing is they will be here for a few days in October! Yeah!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

One minute on a Wednesday evening

Fire engines rushing to a fire. I hear a yip out my front window. I go out to see what's up and where the fire might be. There's a big coyote out front where the deer was the other day. Off in the distance I can hear young coyotes singing. Mother nature is moving back into the neighbourhood.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Happy Saturday

I wrote this poem when I was thinking about my past. I hope you enjoy it.


When I was six we had a television.
The first one on the block, as I recall.
My friends, on Saturday, would show at my place.
Wearing hats and guns, in the living room we'd sprawl.

We would cheer for the guy, who wore the white hat,
'cause the guy who wore the black hat, he was bad.
We'd shoot our guns and get the charging injuns.
These were the best times a young boy ever had.

Now days you can't find a cap six-shooter.
They say that all that violence makes you cruel.
So they show us beatings on the television,
And they're teaching Kung Fu in the local school.

These days’ kids have got the Power Rangers
They're watching murders on the prime time news.
They're searching kids at school to take their Uzi’s
I just wonder how we changed our basic views

Oh where are Tom Mix, Black Bart and the others,
The guys we knew so well so long ago.
My heroes, like Gene Autrey and Roy Rogers,
On the Saturday Afternoon Horse Opera show.

Friday 6 September 2013

One for my golfing friends

One for my golfing friends.

The First Tee

It's crisp and cool on this late Fall morn as we head onto the track.

There's Fred and me and Arthur, and a lefty known as Jack.

We wend our way onto the tee, we see someone was through,

We can tell by the tracks of two before, in the diamond crystal dew.

The lefty's shot was straight and true, the righty hit a slice.

We could see this in the tracks they left, on the early morning ice.

So we tossed a tee, it's me to lead, then Jack then Art then Fred.

I give the ball a mighty whack, my god it felt like lead!

You can see the ball as it skitters off, with a lovely rooster tail.

And comes to rest in a Lilac Bush, oh yeah, that's me, in jail.

The others hit the fairway, and we put our clubs away,

And wonder at the silence, as we head out on our way.

So get a tee-time with a friend, or maybe two or three.

Then you'll also have a tale to tell, as you start from the first tee

Technology 2

I think that worked.


Well I've entered the world of tweets and blogs and linked websites. It's all very confusing. I'm trying to set up linking and maybe I'll succeed. I'm going to press that Link button and see what that does.